suwhat: Muggles Can't Read This.

Muggles Can't Read This.

5:22 AM

Prove to me you're no muggle by proving to your self how listening to this gives you the instant chills. siriusly, I strongly recommend you play this before going through.

How's that to remind you of your unreceived Hogwarts letter. And this is why I couldn't help but at least give you a (symbolic) piece of it through this month's theme.

cebu handmade notebooks

This for me, and maybe a lot of kids my age out there, refers to this as the mother of all fandoms. Being a hardcore Potterhead my self, that my Harry Potter Book set will have to be buried with me on my grave and that.....I will have to stop this here or this gets too obsessed..or worse, expelled.. Point is, Harry Potter means a lot to me. And I'm sure it has the same effect to many of you as well.

So I give you the Hogwarts Four.
These were already released both pre-maturely (Pop-district Bazaar) and long-overdue (we missed the Hogwarts train on Sept.1st). Receiving a lot of excited and great feedback upon its release were all overwhelming. Even I get excited my self.

This is just the first wave, my dear magical folk.

I am open to  Harry Potter - related ideas and inspirations (did I hear someone say Hogwarts Textbooks?).

Let us be each others' pieces of Hogwarts letters, let us all raise our wands and let the magic live on for the month of October - November..heck, for the rest of our lives.

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